Friday Sept 21
Morning: live surgery
07.00-7.30 Opening (Chiara and Giovanni Botti)
07.30-9.00 Closed primary rhinoplasty (A. Scattolin)
9.00-10.30 Open primary rhinoplasty (A. Manafi)
10.30-12.00 Closed primary rhinoplasty (B. Cakir)
12.00-13.30 Open primary rhinoplasty (A. Bocceri)
13.30-15.00 Lunch break
Afternoon: lectures
Tips on the Tip
15.00-15.20 Tip Surgery: Different Techniques and their Indications (G.Botti)
15.20- 15.50 My current Decalogue in shaping the Tip in Rhinoplasty (E.Robotti)
15.50-16.10 Tip surgery: Projection and Rotation. (B Cakir)
16.10-16.30 Correction of tip flaws (B. Guyuron)
16.30-16.50 Discussion
16.50-17.10 Coffee break
Dorsum and Deviation
17.10-17.40 Successful Septoplasty – a prerequisite for a successful rhinoplasty (W. Gubisch)
17.40-18.00 DCF and Fascia Graft to Augment Nasal Dorsum through the Endonasal Approach (M.A.Harel)
18.00-18.20 Deviated Nose (B. Guyuron)
18.20-18.40 An Algorythm for Dorsal Correction (Y.Saban)
18.40-19.10 Dorsal Aumentation (B. Guyuron)
19.10-19.25 Dorsal Preservation (B. Cakir)
19.25-19.45 Discussion
20.30 Gala Dinner
Saturday Sept 22
Morning: live surgery
07.30-9.00 Closed rhinoplasty (G.Botti)
9.00-10.30 Open rhinoplasty (W. Gubisch)
10.30-12.00 Closed rhinoplasty (Y. Saban)
12.00-13.30 Open rhinoplasty (E.Robotti)
13.30-15.00 Lunch break
Original Approaches
15.00-16.00 Rhinoplasty Salient Points, Tips and Traps (B. Guyuron)
16.00-16.15 My Actual Concept in Primary Rhinoplasty (W. Gubisch)
16.15-16.45 Other External Approaches (G. Aiach)
16.45-17.00 Polygon Concept (B. Cakir)
17.00-17.20 Discussion and Open Coffee Break
17.20- 17.50 Challenges in Secondary Rhinoplasty (W. Gubisch)
17.50-18.20 Is the Endonasal Approach possible in Secondary Cases? (A. Scattolin)
18.20-18.40 Secondary Rhinoplasty (B. Guyuron)
18.40-19.00 Discussion
Sunday Sept 23
Open Vs Closed: the final battle
8.15-8.45 From Closed to Open Rhinoplasty Approach (G. Aiach)
8.45-9.05 Interface Nasal Surgery: the demilitarized zone between aesthetic and reconstructive (S.A.Wolfe)
9.05-9.25 Closed approach: the reasons behind my choice (A.Scattolin)
9.25-9.45 Open approach: reasons of my choice (E. Robotti)
9.45-10.05 How and When I decide to use the Endonasal Approach (M.A.Harel)
10.05-10.30 Round Table. Open or Closed: when and why? (G. Aiach, B.Cakir, M.A Harel, E.Robotti, A. Scattolin, S.A.Wolfe) Chair: C. and G. Botti
10.30-10.50 Coffee Break
Art and rhinoplasty
10.50-11.05 Aesthetics and Sculpture (G. Aiach)
11.05-11.25 The nose through literature (C. Botti)
11.25- 11.45 Tribute to Valerio Micheli Pellegrini, Artist and Italian Master of Rhinoplasty (A. Scattolin)
11.45-12.15 Round table: the importance of morphing…Is it really only a marketing tool?
12.30-12.45 Discussion
12.45-14.00 Lunch Break
14.00-14-20 14.20-14.50 Use of Rib Cartilage in Rhinoplsty (W. Gubisch)
14.50-15.10 Subpericondrial dissection and ligament preservation (B. Cakir)
15.10-15.30 Use of Ultrasound devices (Piezo) in Rhinoplasty, my current view (E Robotti)
15.30-15.50 Nasal Base Surgery (B. Cakir)
15.50-16.10 Concepts in Male Rhinoplasty (E.Robotti)